I haven't gotten on here in quite some time!
As far as I can tell, the last time I was on here I was peeved because yet another one of my homebrew Adventures had fallen through due to players wanting to do Evil things in a non-evil party.
The last one was a Pirate-themed adventure and unlike previously, this one barely made it through 2 sessions. Session one went really well, aside from a player complaining about not knowing the rules as well as I do. Session 2 was where I introduced one of my favorite players back into this group. After that, he decided he didn't want to be a part of the group anymore.
That sucks.
I don't want to get into all the drama involved just yet, since it still peeves me greatly, but it culminated in a fairly new player literally enslaving this retuning member of the group and then he justified it when I tried to talk to him.
As a true Millennial, I despise confrontation, so I've been waiting for the others to talk to him since I know that some of them have problems with his attitude as well, but I've realized that I've been waiting for something that will not happen. They're all walking on eggshells because the current DM doesn't take criticism well and they're all afraid he will leave the group if they mention anything remotely close to constructive criticism, let alone an actual complaint.
So, I've finally gathered up my nerves and decided to let this DM know what my feelings are and by using examples in previous games, I hope to get my point across without him taking a bunch of offense.
I'm going to start planning my next campaign I'm going to run on here, since it won't be starting until April 2020, I need an easily accessible form of notes, and I figure that others telling me my ideas are dumb without providing feedback will help me to fine-tune my plot points.
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